Monday, November 26, 2007

Home stretch

I sort of feel like I've been a bit of a failure in this year's Nablopomo. My motivation and energy level has been so low I haven't put the effort into it as last time. And with my work blocking almost all blogs and my connection at home sketchy, I just haven't been able to do what I did or do what I wanted to do. Such a neglectful blogger. What a bummer.


BipolarLawyerCook said...

Nah, don't be so hard on yourself. Life is keeping going, even if sometimes things don't work out the way you want. You've had a crappy month-- we're all just glad you're OK and holding it together.

Avalon said...

November is my favorite month. Not just because I am born in November, but because I get to read sooooo much more from my favorite Bloggers like you.

You can send my gifts now.