Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Share Time

This is so fricking funny please wear adult diapers while viewing.

I warned you.


Anonymous said...

I tole you!

Special K said...

Holy crap, but I nearly piddled at the Lyndie England crack.

Pirate said...

I pissed myself. That said I probalby would be a hit at that party. I mean it would take a hit to go to that party.

MrV said...

That was friggen great. The Karate kid look alike was great.

Amy S. Petrik said...

this was comical. when i lived in college station, texas thirteen years ago, my then psychotic boyfriend and i were bored one night. so we stumbled accidently upon a STAR TREK convention going on the campus of texas A&M.. we were in street clothes yet to snuck in to all the freaky shit like you posted. we laughed and laughed and laughed. man, that was funny.

Pandora Wilde said...

OMFG!!! Fan-freaking-tastic!

Even tho I'd probably dress that way if I had the nerve, I doubt I'd actually have the nerve to leave the house in it.