Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Deep breath

Boy. Are things going to be different this year.

Way different.


Avalon said...

I hope BETTER different. I hope.

Anonymous said...

Do tell.

Special K said...

I'm sorry I haven't been around in a while, or at least in time to wish you a Happy New Year...what's the statute of limitations on such a wish? I think I'm still OK; it's not like it's frigging April.

All the best to you, my dear, and I hope that things are different--WAY different-- for you, but in a good way. Who the hell needs a new pile of crap, eh?

Cheers, doll!

Nan said...

Happy New Year Betty. Here's to a "different" 2008.

Dharma said...

That's all we get? I need more information.

Mike Golch said...

I just happened to you blog from bipolarlawyercook's site.I wish you a great year.even if I don't know much about you,but you must be ok since you on a blog roll of someone else!

Cavutto said...

Hi DJ!

Anonymous said...

Hey Betty! Long time no read your blog...and you've stopped bloggin! WTF???


Anonymous said...

Yeah, what Truly said!Now I got nothing to read on the internets!

-Heidi (not Klum)

Unknown said...

Have you left?