Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Not gone...

...just hibernating.


Anonymous said...

Whew! I was getting worried.

Avalon said...

Well wake up. Dammit.

I am not a patient person.

Nan said...

It's time for the bear to come out of the cave. We miss you.

Avalon said...

Betty~~~~ It's officially Spring!!!


NouveauBlogger said...

Wake up!

C. said...

A lot of people I know are hiding out - - now that Spring has sprung (well, on paper at any rate) hopefully more will come out and play. I read through some of your blog. I'm hoping you'll come back. I'd be interested in hearing how things are going....I followed someone from somewhere over here. I'm tired, it's late, I wish I could remember who. * sighs *