Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Happy

Well, as you can see I've taken a little break from blogging. And I do believe that break will continue for a while longer. Time to regroup and get some stuff behind me, cleared out of my brain and re-energize, which will SO CLEARLY NOT HAPPEN this week since I'm spending it with MY FAMILY. Then I need to decide if I can still do this. Should do this.

At least whitey and I will be together and his mom is joining us too. Oh, did I not mention? His mother is meeting my parents FOR THE FIRST TIME as we're all trapped in the same house for near a week during the holidaze. I don't know what I'm more nervous about killing me, the flights up there and back or all of us under one roof.

Anyway, I wish anyone who's still cruising by a very Merry Whatever You Celebrate and a safe & happy New Year. See you on the flip side. Sometime. Hopefully.

Here's a little prezzie from me to you.


Mike said...

Nice prezzie, thanks.
Hope you survive Christmas - my mom is here for a few days. We drive each other a bit crazy but in the balance it's pretty good. A quiet day so far, so have been browsing blogs and doing a postabout them - takes a lot longer than I had planned. I tend to get distracted by shiney things.

Avalon said...

Betty~~~ You are giving me separation anxiety. Please stop that.

BipolarLawyerCook said...

Merry Christmas, hope all went well, and you're still in my Google Reader! Happy new year, and good luck with your Stuff.

Nan said...

I hope you survived Christmas and I wish you a wonderful New Year's.

Little Bitchass said...

Sorry I'm late with my Merry Christmas, but I guess better late than never. Thank you for sharing the Christmas light video! That was awesome!

Hope you have a safe and Happy New Year, and that the coming year will be full of good luck and will be your best ever!

Don't stress too much about taking a break from blogging... we all feel the need for it at times... I'll be here to read your stuff when you post it.

From one of your 4 readers,

little bitchass

Mike Golch said...

Great video.A belated merry christmas to you.