Monday, July 09, 2007

I'm home...

...and I didn't kill one single person.

I'd call that a success.


Anonymous said...

I felt that way EXACTLY after spending one night in Myrtle Beach with my mom and my three kids! cool!

Unknown said...

Holy Moley!!! a week?? with family??? and EVERYone lived to tell some kind of tale about it??

I'm impressed!!!

Any pics to share of the blessed family event??

I C*A*N*N*O*T believe you got to see the Police....OMG!!! That must have been one amazing show!!

Avalon said...

I think you and I define success verrrrrry differently.

Nan said...

Welcome home!

Joan said...

You are your will power!

Anonymous said...

Hey honey, how was the "you know" yesterday? Email me let me know.
J needs to see a cardiologist now before his surgery because something was not right with his ekg...great.

Leslie said...

: ) Go you!

Dharma said...

Welcome home.
Definitely a success.
Hey I need your email addy to send you an evite.